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Ureshii Aroma Café Happy Hour LIVE!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

Watch our Mini Live at IdolCon! (VOD)

Who are we?

"Ureshii Aroma" is a café-based idol group producing original music and covers, consisting of seven members.

Check out our specialties!

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Check out our music here!

Our music is available on:
Amazon Music, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, TikTok/Resso, Soundtrack by Twitch, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, Napster, iHeartRadio, ClaroMusica, Saavn, Anghami, KKBox, NetEase (beta), MediaNet, Instagram/Facebook

Sweet Paradise

A Paradise just for you!

Also listen to "Sweet Paradise" on:


Our debut single!

Also listen to "Daybreaker" on:

We're so glad to see you!

Click on an icon below to learn more about each of the idols!

Erena Endo

Voice: Kokoro

Birthday: April 9th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'4" (165cm)
Sizes: B 88/W 71/H 97
Liked Food: Fried Rice
Disliked Food: Seafood
Job: Manager

Erena Endo is the new manager of Ureshii Aroma, she’s a hardworking girl who is a little bit dense when it comes to things like sarcastic comments or maybe new trends. But that’s quite alright, as she is quite brilliant in the terms of business. She is known to be a more passionate kind of woman in more ways than one, to say the least. While she’s rather charismatic, she prefers to be in the kitchen... as she loves making food for the people and seeing a smile on their face once they’ve tasted it. It brings her great joy.

Likes: Gaming, Writing, Sewing, Gambling, Chocolate
Dislikes: Bad Luck, Noise, Cauliflower, Losing, Giving Up
Skills/Talents: Time Management, Cooking (can't bake,) Writing Lyrics
Hobbies: Playing Video Games, Making music, Dancing, Exercising, Trying new things

Chloe Lambert

Voice: Mutie

Birthday: March 2nd
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'6" (167cm)
Sizes: B 90/W 80/H 82
Liked Food: Ramen
Disliked Food: Tomatoes
Job: Barista

Chloe is a foreign exchange student from France. She is gentle and reserved and is quite the shy girl. She is currently in University here in Japan and joined Ureshii due to her love of idols. Back home, she has a farm filled with various animals but her favorite would be the goat. Being her favorite animal, she tends to gush about them more often than not. Chloe is open for new things, always trying to do her best no matter what she does. Some say her intelligence rivals Sho’s undeniable genius. The two of them tend to have a bit of a mental face off in between shifts.

Likes: Animals, Daydreaming, Studying, Nature, Halloween, Gardening
Dislikes: Public Speaking, Parties, Bad Weather, Gacha Games (she has bad luck,) Penguins
Skills/Talents: Latte art, Being organized, Knack for Languages
Hobbies: Volunteering at a local bird sanctuary, Yoga, Watching scary movies

Kirika Ito

Voice: Nixxy

Birthday: October 4th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'4" (163 cm)
Sizes: B 82/W 57/H 81
Liked Food: Cherries
Disliked Food: Eggplant
Job: Waitress

Kirika is quite the eccentric individual! Her style is very preppy. Kirika is very social and is the type to love to party! She is definitely on the girly side but that doesn’t mean she won’t have an attitude when it’s needed… because of this, she’s known to be quite feisty when fired up! This may remind others of her brother who is known to be pretty loud himself. She enjoys puns and shopping, as well as fresh cherries. So much so, her fashion tends to incorporate little fruit themed accessories. Almost being the complete opposite of Chloe, being all fun and has little to no care about academics.

Likes: Puns, Confetti, April Fool's, Summer, Shopping
Dislikes: Lettuce, Bugs, Waiting, Bitter Foods, Horror
Skills/Talents: PR, Photography, Stylist
Hobbies: Socializing, Going to the arcades, Staying updated with trends

Sho Akimoto

Voice: Xiel

Birthday: January 16th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'6" (165cm)
Sizes: B 88/W 77
Liked Food: Soup Dumplings
Disliked Food: Pickles
Job: Advertiser/Host

Sho-chan claims himself to be the number one idol of UA. Of course, this gives him competition with another idol in UA, named Takeru. However, this doesn’t stop him from aiming to the top. He’s a kid with intelligence that could rival college students, despite only being a 2nd year in high school. When on stage, he is confident, flashy, and charismatic. While charismatic on the stage, he is rather meek and humble. Which is the opposite from his off stage persona, who is reserved and moderately quiet. Although, he can be childish at times if he can’t get what he wants.

Likes: Electronics, Academics, Theatrics, Magic Tricks, Pranks
Dislikes: Takeru, Stereotypes, Limits, Being Wrong, Liars
Skills/Talents: Coding, Programming, Public Speaking
Hobbies: Reading, Writing Stories, Experimenting, Pretending to be a mad scientist

Fun Fact: Sho was initially voiced by Mio, who would later on depart from Ureshii Aroma. With permission from Mio, the role would then be given to Xiel.

Takeru Kita

Voice: Kayo

Birthday: August 8th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Sizes: B 78/W 68
Liked Food: Sata Andagi
Disliked Food: Chicken
Job: Host

Takeru Kita, the boy who wants it all. He likes to boss around whenever he can, especially when he has a great idea — then he’ll make sure that everything is picture-perfect and that he gets the credit and the praise for his genius. He’s also quite the perfectionist — he can’t bear the thought of being associated with even the slightest flaw and risk losing the highest-standard reputation that he thinks he has.
With that said, he definitely has skill when it comes to his stage presence and dancing. However, talking to others is a different story as he’s more of a snotty prince than a charming one.

Likes: Quality, Perfection, Trends, Leading Others, Strategy
Dislikes: Brats, Being Curious, Bad Fashion, Wasting Time
Skills/Talents: Modeling, Teaching, Hosting
Hobbies: Astronomy, Sewing, Playing Chess

Tatsuo Ito

Voice: Darth

Birthday: April 18th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'10" (177 cm)
Sizes: B 78/W 68
Liked Food: Curry
Disliked Food: Lemons
Job: Chef

Tatsuo, who is quite the bringer of mischief, often finds himself getting in trouble. He has an outgoing nature and often acts on impulse. He is known to be a little hot headed, but for the most part he is quite the sweetheart. To describe him, he’s your generic delinquent and somehow he found himself working for Ureshii… Well, it’s no secret; turns out his sister dragged him along. He's wild and likes a bit of an adrenaline rush. He often rock climbs and hikes high up in the mountains. When his impulse kicks in don't be surprised if he takes a little risk.

Likes: Action Movies, Fire, Taking Risks, Camping, Illusions
Dislikes: Rules, School, Tight Spaces, Toxic Masculinity
Skills/Talents: Playing multiple instruments, Composition
Hobbies: Street Racing, Mountain Climbing, Archery

Himiko Tsunemori

Voice: Ink

Birthday: July 10th
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'9" (180 cm)
Sizes: B 75/W 71/81
Liked Food: Drunken Noodles
Disliked Food: Sweets
Job: Waitress/Chef

Himiko is severely impatient and hot headed, but is able to keep a good facade about things when angry or upset and keep herself mellowed out, even if it's just on the outside. Her passionate nature comes from the fact that she'll do anything for her sister, and is willing to be her best self to set a good example. Due to wanting to set a good example in all ways, Himiko is very traditional when it comes to her values. If you remember Himiko from our previous years, she is rather talented at sports and is able to rival Tatsuo in their athletic abilities.

Likes: Sports, Adventures, Rock & Roll, The Ocean
Dislikes: Baggy Pants, Standing Still, Baked Goods, Rude Customers
Skills/Talents: Diligent Work Ethic, Adaptability, "Creative" Cooking
Hobbies: Nail Art, Playing Guitar, Athletics

Meet the team!

click on the name of a member to be directed to their link!


Erena Endo — Kokoro
Sho Akimoto — Xiel
Himiko Tsunemori — Ink
Kirika Ito — Nixxy
Chloe Lambert — Mutie
Tatsuo Ito — Darth
Takeru Kita — Kayo

Writing Team

Music Team
Kayo (Music Director)

Editing Team

Art Team
Ink (Art Director)

Website Creation